Siege of Augusta in Full Gear! Jan 21-23 2011
See our website here...
Plan now to attend SOA XX in Augusta GA.
While many great things have been said about the Siege of Augusta, Phil Viverito, of Classical Hack fame and frequent attendee (who is often the person who drives the farthest to attend the Siege), has summed it up best as to what makes a convention great and why The Siege of Augusta falls into that category:
"There are many conventions all over the United States and Canada, we know we go to many of them and they are all nothing short of good. A good convention is a first and foremost a gathering place. Second it is a place to mingle with old friends and new. Then too it is an agora where you can make those important purchases and find out what is new and exciting. One thing for sure it is not size-quality always beats quantity. Other important things that make a good con include nice accommodations, easy access to and from the event and local places of interest and need. Most importantly it is where attendees simply do their thing: in this case GAME! So a good con offers a fine time, an equally fine place to gather and finally dissolving into good memories.
What Makes a GREAT Convention?
While we have found the 9 conventions we attend to always fulfill our expectations of a good and fine time, there is often the convention event that goes beyond being either of these two things. A GREAT convention is somehow different. It in some way leaves cleaner and sharper images of the convention experience. Perhaps there is no way to express it in words but the memories remain more intense. For us The Siege of Augusta is one of those GREAT conventions. Why? Perhaps it is the weather or the lovely town with its sights and sounds. It is certainly the people that attend. Heck that is a given; besides we would not even come if it was not for the people we see. Whatever the criteria may or may not be for some unexplainable reason, The Siege of Augusta fulfills our ideas and ideals of what a Great Convention is." Phil Viverito, December 1999. (emphasis added).