Hello FoWarriors;
The invasion of France and the Low Countries will happen this Saturday 16 Jan 2010. As a added special event a guide tour of 1940era AFVs will be included.
The 5th Annual FoW day at the US Army Women's Museum, FT Lee, VA will kick off at 0900-1800 with 24 players committed to fight; 12 Germans (5ea INF, 4ea Armor, 1ea Cav, 1ea FJ) will face off against French forces(4ea Inf, 2ea Ar) and the BEF (2ea Inf, 1ea Motor Inf, 2ea Armor)
Scenarios include:1ea River Crossing, Death from Above, Roadblock Free for All, City Fight, Encounter, Ar encounter, Fight Withdrawal, 3ea No Retreat, 2ea Breakthrough
Players will each play two rounds.
Spectators and fans of EW are welcome to come visit the museums at FT Lee (Quartermaster and Women's) and watch the tournament in play. Vote for the best painted army and talk Early War.
Between game rounds there will also be a guided tour of the 1940 ear tanks being stored at FT Lee in prep of the Ordnance Museums move in 2011.
This is a guided tour only so you will need to be at the US Army Women's Museum NLT 1200 noon to participate!
All visitors to FT Lee will need a photo ID to enter the base. Vehicle drivers will also need a valid Dr Lic, Veh Registration and Proof of Insurance.
Any questions please contact Ron Bingham at (804)734-4411
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